
The Company has a Management System in compliance with the following regulations:
UNI EN ISO 9001:2015:Quality management systems;
Scope:Installation, maintenance and overhaul of electrical, mechanical and pneumatic systems and on-board equipment on railway rolling stock. Production of metallic carpentry.
UNI EN 9100:2018:Quality Management Systems - Requirements for Aeronautics, Space and Defense Organizations:
Scope:Production of assemblies and electrical wiring in the aerospace sector
UNI EN ISO 14001:2015:Environmental Management Systems
Scope:Installation, maintenance and overhaul of electrical, mechanical and pneumatic systems and on-board equipment on railway rolling stock.
ISO 45001:2018:Occupational health and safety management systems;
Scope:Installation, maintenance and overhaul of electrical, mechanical and pneumatic systems and on-board equipment on railway rolling stock. Production of metallic carpentry.
UNI EN ISO 3834-2:2006:Quality requirements for fusion welding of metallic materials - Part 2: Extended quality requirements;
Scope:Production of welded metal carpentry.
F-GAS - Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2067:certification of natural persons with regard to stationary refrigeration and air conditioning equipment, stationary heat pumps and refrigerated rooms of refrigerated trucks and trailers containing fluorinated greenhouse gases, as well as for the certification of companies with regard to equipment stationary refrigeration and air conditioning systems and stationary heat pumps containing fluorinated greenhouse gases.
F-GAS - Regulation (EC) n. 304/2008:certification of companies and personnel with regard to fixed fire protection systems and fire extinguishers containing certain fluorinated greenhouse gases.
EN 15085-2:2007 CL2:Railway applications, welding of railway vehicles and components;
Part 2 - Quality requirements and certification of the welding manufacturer;
Certification Range:
Skills management system​
P 096 Rev. 4 Trenord:Performance in maintenance service, organs and safety components.
COCS n° 30.6/DT Trenitalia:Outsourcing of maintenance services for railway vehicles and safety bodies;